Digital Transformation

Adaptation is Key!

Digital transformations have reshaped how companies approach customer service. The old model was to wait for customers to come find you, whether in person or by calling an 800 number.

But the rise of social media has changed service much like it’s changed advertising, marketing, and even sales and customer service.

Progressive companies embrace social media as a chance to extend their service offerings by meeting customers on their platforms of choice.

Real transformation comes when you look at all available technologies and consider how adapting your business to them can give customers a better experience.

Social media wasn’t invented to take the place of call centers but it’s become an additional channel (and opportunity) to offer better customer service.

Adapting your service offerings to embrace social media is another good example of a digital transformation.

Digital transformation encourages businesses to reconsider everything, including traditional ideas of teams and departments. It means knocking down walls between departments.